

Baby Led Weaning Banana| Baby Food Recipe

Baby Led Weaning Banana

How to Make a Banana Puree for Drinks | Baby Food Recipe

In this post, we see how to make a banana puree for drinks.

➡ Bananas are the great first food for babies.

➡ It is rich in nutrients, delicious taste and creaminess.

➡ It is also filling tummy for a long time.

➡ They help to healthy weight gain in babies.

Banana Puree Recipe for Babies

Now, we see how to puree bananas for babies.

How to Make a Banana Puree for Drinks | Baby Food Recipe

Below is the ingredient for banana puree.

How to Make a Banana Puree for Drinks | Baby Food Recipe


1. Take and peel the banana, cut the end with a knife.

2. Then cut them into small pieces.

3. Then transfer them to a big bowl.

4. Add breast milk/formula milk to it.

5. Mix well until you get a creamy texture with a folk.

6. You can also use the blender to do this.

7. Now, the healthy banana puree is ready to feed your baby.

Extra Tips:

1. While blending, you add water/milk to make this puree.

2. You can also add breast milk/formula while feeding.

3. Consult your paediatrician before giving any new foods to your baby.

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